Monday, December 26, 2011

Photo-Ionization-Detector-Sensitivity-of-Organic-Compounds #PID#Photoionization#GC_PID#HNU_PID

The GC/PID sensitivity of hundreds of organic compounds are listed by Marsha Langhorst of Dow Chemical Company.

Photo Ionization Detector Sensitivity of Organic Compounds

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cape Cod Science Cafe #4- Chemistry Experiments for K-6 students# NESACS#ACS#Cape _Cod_Science_Cafe#STEM

The 4th Cape Cod Science Cafe was held on Sun. Dec. 11, 2011 at the Sandwich Public Library. This was a demonstration of Chemistry Experiments for K-6 students. More than 150 parents & students attended the event. The Sandwich Enterprise sent a photographer (Rebecca Forster) to take some photos below.

Photos Sand Ent 121611 Use

The event was sponsored by the Sandwich Public Library, The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS), and PID Analyzers, LLC of Sandwich, MA.
The photos appeared on the front page of the Sandwich Enterprise on Dec. 16, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Science Program that is Just Right #Science_Cafe#ACs,#NESACS#STEM

A Science Program That is Just Right CCT 1211 #ACS#STEM#NESACS#PID_Analyzers

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cape Cod Science Cafe Blood Chemistry Experiments for Students

Cape Cod Science Cafe Blood Chemistry

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cape Cod Science Cafe: Making Science Palatable for Kids

Sandwich Enterprise Friday Dec.9 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

NESACS December Meeting Notice

Just a reminder- The NESACS December monthly meeting is on Dec. 8, 2011 at the Marriott hotel in Burlington, MA.

Cape Cod Science Café for K-12 Students om Dec 11 2011

Cape Cod Science Caféflyer

Monday, November 28, 2011


This is a chapter in the book "Handbook of Environmental Instrumentation" published by Wiley in 2005. It is still in print and is a very comprehensive book.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ACS to Award $2M in Scholarships for Minority Students to Study Chemistry # ACS,# Scholarships_for_Minority_Students_to_Study_Chemistry

For academic year 2012-2013, ACS expects to award approximately $1 million to both new and continuing minority Scholars.

#11 325 ACS Scholars_Final 1

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FID's for All Occasions.#FID, #PID_Analyzers,# Portable_FID, #Process_FID, #Stack_Monitoring,#total_hydrocarbon_Monitoring

three different Models of FID's are described for applications from portable to automated process.

FID for All Occasions 4p 1011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Connections for High School Chemistry Teachers for National Chemistry Week,#National _Chemistry_Week, #ACS,#NESACS, #Chemistry_Connections,#High_School_Chemistry_Teachers,#Bassan_Shakhashiri

The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS) celebrates National Chemistry Week with a program at Burlington High School for High School Chemistry Teachers. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Bassam Shakhashiri, President elect, of the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society with 163,000 members.

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Connections for High School Chemistry Teachers for National Chemistry Week,#Natio...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Education for Grade School Students With the Boston Children's Museum for National Chemistry Week, #ACS,#NESACS,#National_Chemistry_Week,#IYC,#Boston_Children's_Museum

The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NEACS) celebrates National Chemistry Week for grade school children with the Boston Children's Museum.

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Education for Grade School Students With the Boston Children's Museum for Nationa...

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Education for High School Students With the Museum of Science for National Chemistry Week, #ACS,#IYC,# National_Chemistry_Week,#MOS,#NESACS

This is a joint program between the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society (NESACS) and the Boston Museum of Science to celebrate National Chemistry Week for High School students. This is an IYC event, This is the 5th year of this program.

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Education for High School Students With the Museum of Science for National Chemis...

NESACS-Promotes-Chemistry-Education-With-the-Museum-of-Science-for-National-Chemistry-Week,#ACS,#National_Chemistry_Week, #IYC,#NESACS,#Boston_MOS

This was a joint effort of the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical society (NESACS) and the Boston Museum of Science (MOS) to celebrate National Chemistry Week and to promote chemistry education. This is the 11th year of this joint event.

NESACS Promotes Chemistry Education With the Museum of Science for National Chemistry Week

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heavy Duty Diesel Emissions in the Athabasca Oil Sands, #Diedel _Emissions, #PID, #PID_Analyzers,#Total_ VOC's

A PID Analyzers Model 102 photoionization detector (PID) was used to measure Total VOC's from diesel engines.

Heavy Duty Diesel Emissions in the AOSR

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Measurements of Aveolar Concentrationswith a PID

A photoionization detector was used to measure toluene in breath.

Mwasurements of Aveolar Concentrations of Toluene Witj PID

Friday, October 14, 2011

Connections to Chemistry Program #ACS, #IYC,#NESACS#Connections.

An American Chemical Society (ACS) & Northeastern Section of the ACS (NESACS) sponsored chemistry program for grade school to high school students& teachers to celebrate National Chemistry Week. This is an IYC event and Dr. Shakhashiri, the President Elect, of the American Chemical Society will be speaking.

Connections Program 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Determination of Oxygenates & BTX in Beverage Grade CO2 #Pittcon, #photoionization.# ppb_BTX, #beverage_grade_CO2,#process_GC, #PID,#photoionization

An automatic GC for detecting ppb levels of BTEX and oxygenates in beverage grade CO2 is described. A new version of this Model is available, the Model 301C shown in the photo below:

Determination of Oxygenates & BTX in Beverage Grade CO2

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Monitoring Indoor Air Quality #indoor_air_quality, #VOC's, #CO2,, #O3, #PID,#photoionization,#PID,#PID_Analyzers

The instrumentation described can measure total VOC's or individual VOC's using a portable gas chromatograph. Other pollutants and instrumentation are described.

Monitoring Indoor Air Quality

A model 102+ can be outfitted with a PID (ppm range & ppb range)and two electrochemical sensors (select from 30 available as shown below:

A portable GC312 with a PID (shown below) can be used to detect and identify individual VOC's at ppb levels.

A portable GC312 from PID Analyzers, IR sensor for CO2,

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A detailed study of VOC's in Groundwater Using an HNU Model PI101,#VOC's_in_Groundwater,#photoionization, #PID,#PID Analyzers,#EPA,Gr,#hazardous_Waste_site

This report describes a measurement of VOC's at a hazardous waste site using an HNU PI101 for headspace measurements.

PID and Ground Water Hs 870143441

The work was done with an HNU PI101 (photo below left. This instrument is no longer in production. It had been replaced with the Model 102 PID (below right)that has Snap On heads for interchangeable lamps or sensors.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pd-H2 Nanotech Study with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope #nanotech, #Suffolk_Nanotech_Center,#SU_Science,#Pittcon

A study of H2 interaction with Pd nanoparticles via a Scanning Tunneling Microscope at the Suffolk University Nanotech Center. This was a joint effort of the Suffolk University Physics Dept. and PID Analyzers that was presented at the Pittsburgh conference in 2010. Pd-H2 Nano Tech Study With a Scanning Tunneling Microscope #nanotech, #Suffolk_Nanotech_Center,#SU_Science,... This is a photo of the 300A Pd particles with the valley between the particles showing some interaction with H2.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

EPA PID Detection and Site Characteristics of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids #, EPA, #PID, #groundwater,#halogenated_hydrocarbons, #PID_117,#photoionization,#site_cleanup,#CCL4

This is a procedure for site cleanup of halogenated hydrocarbons that are non aqueous and not miscible with water. The detection device is the HNU Model PI101 photoionization analyzer.

PID Detection and Site Characterization of Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids (3)

A paper on the PID Model 102 with an 11.7 lamp was published previously and is described below:

Measurement of Chlorinated HC With an 117 PID

EPA PID Standard Operating Procedure 2114 #EPA,#PID,#Photoionization, #PID Analyzers, #HNU_101,#PID Analyzers

The purpose of this EPA Standard Operating Procedure
(SOP) is to describe a method for using a
photoionization detector (PID). The PID is a portable,
nonspecific, vapor/gas detector employing the
principle of photoionization to detect a variety of
chemical compounds, both organic and inorganic (hydrides,halogens... ) in
air. This procedure is applicable to the HNU PI-101,
HNU ISPI-101, and HW-101 used for air monitoring. The HNU 101 series has been replaced with the Model 102.

Epa Pid Sop Wmsr2114(4)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Evaluation of the PID Analyzers 102 for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks # EPA,#UST,#Leaking_ Underground _Storage_Tanks,#PID,#photoionization,# PID _Analyzers, #Model_102

Evaluation of the use of the PID Analyzers Model 102 for EPA's Leaking Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program is described in the report below:


EPA UST Website and Info on PID Model 102 Approval

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sampling VOC's from Processes or Stacks with an IR Sensor

One of the most difficult problems in sampling from stacks is the removal of water vapor without losing the components to be measured. Methods for water removal include permeation driers, refrigeration, etc. These methods work well for removing water from stack gases with inorganic gases like NO, NO2 and SO2. For oxygenated VOC's, however, many of the oxygenated hydrocarbons like alcohols,  ketones, esters etc. are either miscible or moderately soluable in water. Gases which are soluable in water are carried through the nafion membrane and exhibit significant losses when passed through a Permapure drier. Water soluable gases can also be lost in refrigeration processes as well because of their solubility in water.

Therefore, a different method was employed for alcohols & ketones, namely heating the components above the dewpoint of the stack gas and making the measurement at an elevated temperature. Our IR sensors are temperature compensated up to 50C  so we used a heated & temperature controlled (+/- 2C) oven that housed the sensor and a coalescing microfiber filter. We calibrated the sensor at ambient and recalibrated at an operating temperature of 47C. The difference in calibration was < 5%.

A Photo of the Model 202 is shown below:

UST Tank Report with an HNU DL101 #UST, #Leaking_Underground_Storage_Tanks, #PID,#HNU,#Photoionization

This is a report on Leaking Underground Storage Tanks with an HNU DL101

UST Tank Report With HNU DL101 #UST, #Leaking_Underground_Storage_Tanks, #PID,#HNU,#Photoionization

The Model 102 and 102+ were described in a previous blog:

PID Model_102_Photoionization Analyzer 117 Lamp

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Headspace Vapor Screening of VOC’s in Soil with a PID #photoionization, # PID, #headspace,#Los_Alamos,#EPA,#VOC’s

This is a procedure for the measurement of VOC's in soil that was funded by the EPA. The analyzer used was the HNU Model 101 photoionization analyzer. This has been replaced by a newer Model 102.

Headspace Vapor Screening With a PID (Los Alamos)

Ethylene Oxide Monitoring via PID-GC #ETO_Monitoring, #EO_Monitoring,# Photoionization_GC,#PID_GC, #ETO_PEL

Ethylene Oxide (ETO) monitoring is described using photoionization detection following the separation by capillary GC (Model 301-C). The detection limit is in the low ppb (ideal for measuring PEL values of ETO) and the range can be expanded to 3,000 ppm so that stack levels can be measured at the same time as ambient with a multipoint sequencer.

Ethylene Oxide Monitoring

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Multifunctional Analyzer for IAQ Monitoring #IAQ, #ATF, #photoionization,#PID,# VOC's, #Indonesian _National_Police,#CO2, #Model_102

This paper describes a Model 102+ for monitoring VOC's (ppb), CO2 and other contaminants (using electrochemical sensors) for monitoring the condition of indoor air quality. A headspace method for soil & water is also described along with information of the monitoring of accelerants in arson investigations by ATF and the Indonesian National Police.

A Multi Functional Analyzer for IAQ Monitoring
Additional information on the Model 102+ was described in my blog:
PID Model_102_Photoionization Analyzer 117 Lamp

Follow my blog at:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Photoionization Analyzer with Snap On Heads for VOC's #photoionization ,#AIHA, # industrial hygiene, # Snap On Heads,

The Model 102 with its unique Snap On Heads is described in detail in this presentation.

PID Model_102_Photoionization Analyzer 117 Lamp

A photo of the Model 102 with 9.5. 10.6 & 11.7 eV Snap On Heads is shown in the photo below:

Relative Photoionization Sensitivities for the HNU and PID Analyzers PID's #AIHA, #industrial hygiene, # photoionization, #response factors

A list of the relative photoionization sensitivities and ionization potentials for more than 500 compounds are listed below for the HNU and PID Analyzers Models PI101, HW101, IS101, DL101, & DL102:

Photo Ionization Relative Sensitivities and IP's for HNU and PID Analyzers Instruments

Note that in the 102 & 102+ the sensitivities are embedded in a library containing 300+ response factors for the 10.6, 9.5 and 11.7 eV lamps. Any of these gases in the table can be used for calibration and the response factors will still be valid. A photo of the PID Analyzers Model 102 with Snap on Heads is shown below.

#AIHA, #industrial hygiene, # photoionization, #response factors

Saturday, August 13, 2011

PID and Process GC Instrumentation

The histoy of the photoionization detector (PID) is described along with its application to process gas chromatography (GC). Applications for solvents, BTEX, odorous sulfur compounds...

PID and Process GC Instrumentation JackDriscoll

A photo of the Model 301C is shown below:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Measurement of chlorinated HC with an 117 PID.pdf

A PID Analyzers Model 102 with a long life 11.7 eV lamp is used to measure chlorinated hydrocarbons like carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, 1,1,2,2 tetrachloro ethane,... and formaldehyde. A copy of the paper is given below. 

&Measurement of Chlorinated HC With an 117 PID

A photo of the Model 102 is shown below:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Suffolk University Solar Energy Project #Suffolk

Suffolk Unversity has a field station in Maine. In addition to the biological studies there, the Physics Department, under the direction of Prof. Walter Johnson, has a research project comparing wind and solar generated power. A preliminary paper was given at the Second Cape Cod Science Cafe in Hyannis, MA in April 2011. The Third Cape Cod Science Cafe on the Topic of Recycling is coming up shortly. Look for the announcement.

1.88kw grid tied photovoltaic system installed on pole mount at field station for Suffolk University in South Edmonds Township, Maine. A photo is shown below:

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rapid Headspace Analysis of Total VOC's by PID

The headspace method is based on Henry’s law which states that at equilibrium, the concentration in the gas phase is proportional to the concentration in the liquid phase times Henry’s law constant (KH):
C(liq) = C(gas) x KH
This means that “at equilibrium”, the liquid phase concentration can be determined by measurement of the concentration in the gas phase.

The PID Analyzers, Model 102 (Fig 1) is an easy to use photoionization based analyzer that has embedded software for headspace measurements of total VOC’s in soil, water, food, plastics, etc. The PID is very sensitive and has a 90% response time of 1 second. It is also an ideal tool for prescreening samples (to prevent sample overload) for the mass spectrometer or other analytical tool for determining the sample composition.
Fig. 1 Model 102 with multiple Heads

The headspace method is easy to perform, requires a minimum of equipment, and requires only that the sample and standards be at equilibrium and at the same temperature to obtain accurate results. A typical procedure involves weighing (or measuring) 1 g of soil into a 40 mL VOA sample vial, DI water is used to fill the vial. Then 15 cc of liquid is removed through the septum and the capped vial is placed in an oven at 60 C for 15 minutes, shaken and cooled to room temperature. Standards bracketing the samples should be run at the same time and under exactly the same conditions. The PID analyzers Model 102 should be in the headspace mode. Then take ten cc of gas is from the vessel via a gas syringe, connect it to the 102 via a tight piece of tubing and press ENT. The peak concentration will be displayed. The concentration can then be determined by comparison to a calibration curve generated from standards. Liquid samples can be handled in a similar manner. The total analysis time is < 15 seconds per sample. Fig. 2 Headspace for Water Sample

Fig.3 Headspace for Soil Sample

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Analysis of ppb Levels of Low MW Organics Compounds Using an 11.7 PID-GC

The ionization potential (IP) of low molecular weight saturated organic compounds are > 10.6 eV but < 11.7 eV. This group of compounds (ethane-butane), chloroalkanes (CH3CL. CHCl3, CCl4, CH2CL2, C2H4Cl2 etc.), oxygenates (methanol & formaldehyde) are difficult to do with any single detector except the PID with an 11.7 lamp. The dynamic range of the PID with an 11.7 eV lamp is about 106 with detection limits in the 50-100 ppb range. These detection limits could be improved using thick film capillary columns. A comparison of the range of the 11.7 eV lamp with other GC detectors is shown below.

The response of low MW alkanes C2-C6 for the PID 11.7 is shown in the chromatograph below:
C2-C6 HC with the PID 11.7
Note that the PID 10.6 eV will only respond to C5 & C6 alkanes.
The chromatogram below via PID 117 detects some chlorinated HC including ethylene dichloride (C2H4Cl4). (IP= 11 eV). Of course, the PID 11.7 also detects low ppm levels of MeOH and chloroform as shown below. Note the high sensitivity of the low MW chlorinated hydrocarbon.

The PID 11.7 also has a high sensitivity to formaldehyde, one of the few detectors that respond to formaldehyde at ppb levels without the need for derivitization. A chromatogram of methanol and formaldehyde is given below.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Remote Monitoring of Methane for Landfills and Septic Systems

Remote CH4 Measurement Final_Presentation[1]

Monday, July 11, 2011

#NASA doesn’t get enough credit for spinoffs created from their technology projects

I am concerned with NASA’s future now that I observed the takeoff of the last space shuttle last week.
Photo from NASA Facebook page

I just came across a link on AOL about 10 NASA technologies from the Space shuttle and it prompted me to write this info in my blog.

Article that prompted this blog post

A case in point-Our company HNU/PID was started in the early 1970’s as a result of a NASA photoionization mass spectrometry (PIMS) project in the late 1960’s

I was recognized recently with an “Outstanding Achievement Award” from the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society for the development of the first handheld photoionization (PID). This product , that has saved thousands of lives of workers involved in cleaning up hazardous waste sites, in the 80’s was created as a result of NASA’s investment in PIMS technology in the 1960’s. The hand held PID was the star of EPA’s superfund program in the 80’s and 90’s and saved many lives during the largest industrial hygiene project in the world. The PID was also selected by the EPA in the late 1970’s as a method for developing lower cost and more sensitive method for analyzing volatile organics in drinking water. Since HNU was started we have sold more than 50,000 PID’s and saved many lives.

Cape Cod Times Article

With the cancellation of the space shuttle program, many of my colleagues and I wonder where NASA is going. Technology is the engine that helped make this country great and it is technology that will keep this country competitive in the future.

If you have a similar story, or feel strongly about NASA’s future please publicize it and write a letter to your congressmen & senators.

Dr. Jack Driscoll
Sandwich, MA

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Features of the Model 301MP Area & Stack Monitor

We used a photoionization detector (PID) to analyze ppb levels of ethylene oxide (ETO). The range of the Model 301MP Area Monitor was extended so that the same analyzer can be used to measure both workplace exposure levels of ETO and stack levels. This 25 point sequencer has separate banks for the permissible exposure (PEL) and stack levels. The software was modified and a programmable sample ahead feature was implemented. This sample ahead feature provides a faster analysis time since the sampling is done during the analysis of the sample. As soon as the sample is injected, sample ahead can be started and the next sample will begin purging the sample line and the sample loop. With a 15 second inject time, the sample can be purged for 75 seconds before the new sample is injected which is adequate to clean the line from 2,000 ppm to < 1 ppm. When the high level bank points are sampled, the range is automatically switched from 0-20 to 0-2000 ppm. For the PEL sample bank, the range is switched to 0-20 ppm. The capillary column used for the analysis was an 0.53 mm thick film (7.5 micron). The detection limit for ETO was 5 ppb extending the range from 5 ppb to 2,000,000 ppb or 400,000:1. A photo of the 301C is shown below. For more info, visit our website at

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Free logging software for PID Analyzer’s Portable Instruments

The free software for the PID Analyzers portables is an easy to use graphing and data log extraction package. It connects to the PID Instrument through a serial (RS232/485) line and reads the data in the data log for rapid display, export, or long term graphing. The data log, and set logging timers and triggers can also be fully configured. The software runs on Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, or Mac OS X 10.4+ (Intel only) (Universal Binary v3.3.0.2 -

This free software will connect the new PID Analyzers portables and remote PC wirelessly through the new free Bluetooth connection. Of course, older PID portables can also be modified for bluetooth connectivity. See our website http://www.hnu/com. The portable analyzers can be interfaced through the internal RS232 connection or through a TCIP connection that could be controlled with Windows Remote Desktop. The hardware and wireless connections to the PID Analyzers portable analyzers are many fold and very easy to use.

Five channels can be monitored simultaneously with the Model 102+ and only one for the Model 102. The time for the chart can be varied from 1 minute to one year. The data can be saved as a CSV file in Excel format and printed later from Excel like the plot below:

The graph can also be printed or saved as a png or pdf file. The control screen for graphing the five channels of data is shown below:

The second control for graphing is shown below:

The Photoionization detector (PID) in the Model 102 has the fastest response of any on the market with a 90% response time of 1 second. This can be displayed in the live view chart of the Datalogging software by selecting a 1 minute rolling display for recording rapidly responding systems. The portables also have one analog (0-1 VDC) output that is selected by the display. This feature is not available on most portable instruments sold today.Contact us at

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Free Bluetooth Wireless Capability for all PID Analyzers Portable Instruments

We recently added bluetooth capability to our Model 102 portable photoionization analyzer . This wireless capability links the datalogging in the 102 with the free logging software in the external PC to produce 1 to 5 graphs (PID ppm/ppb and three other channels selecte from one [IR(CO2, CG or TCD)/TCD/or CG and two other electrochemical sensors (select from > 30 EC Sensors). A typlical plot of PID VOC's ppb and ppb is shown below:
The data is logged into an EXCEL compatable file that is saves in CSV format for opening directly into EXCEL. The format is shown below:
The portable analyzers include the following:

Model 102 PID (only)
Model 102+ PID with multisensor capability and ppb option
Model 113 O2 and other electrochemical sensors (choose from 30)
Model 107 stack gas analyzer
Model 113 with TCD or CG + EC sensors
Model 114 IR + with CO2 or CH4 sensor plus 2 EC sensors

We are offering free bluetooth capability for all new portable analyzers. Contact us at and check out our blogs: &

Monday, June 6, 2011

Economical Oxygen Analyzers

Model 210 1000 O2 Analyzers_4pages 511

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can I still get my old HNU PI101 fixed?

That was a common question at the AICHE (#AIHA) show in Portland, OR (May 14-20, 2010). We, PID Analyzers, LLC, brought one of the first PI101's (1st portable photoionization analyzer) ever built to the show. I had many people who stopped, looked at the PI101 and said "I used one many years ago but I didn't realize  that you still made them". I said that we stopped making them about ten years ago but we can still fix them,  Several people asked about an 11.7 probe for their 101 and I said "we can still supply one". I even had one industrial hygienist who stopped by who said " I bought my PI101 25 years ago and it still works. I said "you should send it in for a clean and cal, it will probably need one after 25 years".

Some of our competitors build their PID's like cell phones. That is, their lifetime is just over 2 years and spare parts are available only for several years beyond that. We can fix PI101's that were built 35 years ago. The PI101 was the first portable analyzer that was used extensively in reducing exposure to vinyl chloride, solving exposure problems at Love Canal (1st Superfund Site) and written in to the Superfind legislation. Note that Superfund was "the world's largest industrial hygiene program". That is all history now but the PI101 is still around and can still be fixed 35 years later. For more information click here

A photo of the PI101 with its successor, the Model DL102, is shown in the photo below:   

                                                                    Model PI101

Multisensor 102+

Monday, May 30, 2011

PID Analyzer's Portables Now Can Have Wireless Capability

PID Analyzer's portable analyzers now have wireless capability through Bluetooth. A sending unit is embedded into the analyzer and the receiving unit is plugged into a PC via the RS232 port. The free logging software that comes with our portables has  multichannel (up to 5) logging and is used to collect the data.  The data is graphed and can be saved in comma delimited ASCII format and imported directly into EXCEL. A typical graph of ppb VOC (blue) and ppm CO2 (red) is shown in the graph below:

The graph displays the effect of rain on VOC's (upper) and CO2 (lower) in the outside air for the Model 102+. The Model 102+ was upstairs and the PC was downstairs about 150' away. Another option for wireless on the portables is also available now. This uses a Mica 2 mote from Crossbow and is available an as option. The advantage of the Crossbow includes a longer range (different frequencies) and additional sensor capability such as geographic position sensor (GPS) through an eight channel ADC. Contact PID Analyzers for additional information. A Paper on a Model 102 with wireless and GPS is available here.